What is OLLI?
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at The University of Alabama is a year-round, member-centered, member-led program that caters to adults. OLLI at UA is one of over 125 college-affiliated OLLIs across the country and receives funding from The Bernard Osher Foundation.
- OLLI provides intellectual, social, and cultural enrichment opportunities in a climate that fosters friendship and a mutual sharing of ideas and life experiences.
- OLLI offers educational classes and entertainment through bonus sessions, field trips, socials, special events, and travel.
To learn more about the OSHER Foundation, visit www.osherfoundation.org.
Why should I join OLLI?
Are you a self-motivated learner eager to share opinions, knowledge, and expertise with humor and mutual respect?
If so, OLLI will be an excellent fit for you.
- OLLI members share common bonds of intellectual curiosity and the experience of their generation.
- OLLI offers opportunities to meet new friends, make contacts, and develop connections.
- OLLI members are often actively engaged in their local communities and, as a result, are more productive, purposeful, healthier, and happier.
What are the requirements to join OLLI?
Any adult may become a member by paying the annual membership fee. There are no other requirements.
Where are OLLI classes held?
OLLI classes are held in person at venues in Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, and Gadsden unless otherwise noted. Online classes are also available. See the semester catalog for details.
Where can I park?
Birmingham area course venues: Free parking is available.
Gadsden area course venues:Free parking is available.
Tuscaloosa non-UA course venues: Free parking is available.
Tuscaloosa courses on The University of Alabama campus (Bryant Conference Center): Two parking options are available.
- Purchase a UA Campus OLLI parking permit for $40, which is effective for the current academic year (current 2024-25 OLLI parking permits are valid from August 15, 2024, to August 15, 2025.) This permit allows you to park in the Capstone Deck and the adjacent surface lot.
- Via phone or online registration, purchase the UA Campus Parking Permit
- Complete this Parking Permit registration form
- You will be notified by OLLI Staff when your hangtag is ready to be picked up from the OLLI office
- Members with valid ADA credentials may display their state-issued hangtag or license plate along with a purchased OLLI parking permit. This will allow members to park in the ADA parking spaces behind the Bryant Conference Center.
- Pay daily at the Capstone Parking Deck. Click here for directions.
- Hourly Visitor Parking Deck rates – $1.50/1st hour; $2.50/each additional hour; $15 maximum per day (resets upon exiting the deck)
How much does it cost to join and participate in OLLI?
$65 — Annual OLLI Membership Fee (follows UA academic calendar).
$60 — Course Package Each Semester (Fall, Spring and Summer). Allows members to register/enroll in as many courses and field trips as desired. Many OLLI classes have a set capacity, and class rosters are set by those who register earliest. Note: some programs, trips, or events may carry an additional fee due to materials, travel, or other cost requirements.
All collected fees allow our organization to provide additional quality programming, special events, bonus sessions, socials, and travel opportunities. .
Do I have to register every semester?
Yes. Registration is required to be able to sign-up for OLLI programs each semester. Register online or call 205-348-3000 as early as possible to ensure you have a seat reserved.
When online courses are offered, OLLI members and guests must register to receive the link to join the virtual classroom and receive access to the provided class materials.
If an OLLI class is full, call the OLLI Office at 205-348-6482 to be added to a Waitlist.
May I bring a guest?
Every OLLI member is encouraged to invite guests to our Open House events held before each Fall, Spring, and Summer semester. Feel free to bring a guest to any of our scheduled Bonus Courses, complimentary and open to the public. You can find a list of these Bonus options here.
How can I offer suggestions for OLLI classes?
OLLI classes are developed and designed for OLLI members, and input welcome and encouraged. Please contact the OLLI office staff at 205-348-6482 or email olli@ua.edu if you’re an OLLI member with suggestions.
At the conclusion of each semester and class, instructor and class evaluations are gathered and provided to the chapter Curriculum Committee for review.
Are there opportunities to volunteer at OLLI?
Yes, always. OLLI volunteers are essential to the success of the organization. Volunteers are always needed, and there are plenty of opportunities to provide assistance.
Examples of volunteer roles are OLLI curriculum development, planning OLLI social events, serving as greeters, serving as photographers, writing for OLLI social media and newsletters, outreach and membership growth events, OLLI instructors, OLLI facilitators, OLLI fundraising campaigns, marketing, and more.
If you would like to learn more bout volunteering, contact the OLLI office at 205-348-6482 or olli@ua.edu
Who are the OLLI instructors?
OLLI instructors can include current and/or former university faculty, community educators and leaders, OLLI members, and special guests.
If you are interested in serving as an OLLI instructor, contact the OLLI staff at 205-348-6482 or olli@ua.edu
Instructors and presenters at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) are volunteers and do not represent The University of Alabama. All volunteer OLLI at UA instructors and presenters have the freedom to explore, discuss, and provide instruction on a wide range of topics in an academic setting, and any course materials and opinions of OLLI volunteers do not reflect the opinions of The University of Alabama. OLLI membership and course participation is voluntary. OLLI members may be introduced to or intellectually challenged with topics that could be difficult, objectionable, or controversial, but OLLI members do not have to assent or agree with any concept considered “divisive” under Alabama law. OLLI members are strongly encouraged to think independently and analytically about all of the material presented in an OLLI course and may express their views in a time, place, and manner consistent with OLLI course organization and structure, and in accordance with the University’s commitment to free and open thought, inquiry, and expressions.
Do schedules ever change?
Sometimes, yes. Because trips and classes are often coordinated and scheduled months in advance, class dates, times, locations, logistics, and instructors are subject to change due to circumstances beyond control. The OLLI staff will make every effort to notify registered participants of changes in advance. Ensure you provide correct email addresses and telephone numbers when registering for classes to be notified of any changes.
A word about the weather: In the case of inclement weather, OLLI abides by The University of Alabama weather instructions. Remember, if The University of Alabama is closed, OLLI is closed. This is in effect whether classes are online or in-person. Please watch local news for UA closings.
Can I get a refund?
The annual membership fee and semester course package fees are non-refundable.
To cancel a course registration/drop a class and receive a refund, OLLI members must contact registration services within 14 days of the start of the class.
Field trips are individually priced and refund deadlines are listed in the semester catalog.
To cancel, call registration services at 205-348-3000.
Do OLLI members receive a name badge?
All OLLI at UA Members receive a new name badge at the start of each Annual Membership year during the first week of classes for the Fall semester. New members who join before Spring and Summer semesters will receive their name badges during the first week of classes for their respective semesters. If needed, a new name badge can be requested by contacting an OLLI staff member in-person at the OLLI Office, via olli@ua.edu or by calling 205-348-6482.
How do I join?
There are 3 ways to join: online, mail in a registration form, or call.
Register via mail by requesting an OLLI Registration form by emailing olli@ua.edu
Register over the phone by contacting the registration office at 205-348-3000, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All voicemails will be returned.
How can I donate to OLLI?
When OLLI members donate to the organization, they support lifelong learning for others in their community. Financial circumstances may limit someone’s ability to participate in lifelong learning activities. OLLI members who donate tax-deductible financial gifts will support those in our community who otherwise could not join.
OLLI members may also consider underwriting OLLI events like receptions, lodging, and meals, supporting the OLLI endowment fund or remembering OLLI in personal trusts or wills.
Please consider supporting OLLI in all fundraising initiatives. For information regarding the appropriate philanthropic path for you, please contact the OLLI office, or click read more about the current endowed funds.
How do I contact OLLI?
The OLLI staff is here to support all members. Please call the OLLI office at 205-348-6482 or email olli@ua.edu.
Please call Registration Services at 205-348-3000 for OLLI registration and leave a message.